Wednesday 8 October 2014

First but not first


I don't know how and where to start this post. This is my fifth or maybe sixth attempt to start a blog. Haha I know its pathetic..sheeesssh.haha

Previously I had intended to write a blog just because everyone else has one. But then I changed my thought to write a blog on my sadness, misery and stress. You know, a girl just thinks too much-hence the need of a blog to write it all off..hahaha

So as YEARS passed by, after gaining exposure to many inspirationals and informative blogs.. I decided that FINALLY I had found the ultimate reason for me to keep this blog..which is to be informative and inspirational to others. Because of that reason, I'm going to keep this blog. Yes, you heard me right. I'm keeping it so that I can reflect the good side of myself whenever I'm feeling down :)

So HELLO there dear reader/s :D

Please bear the uninvited awkward feelings about this post because believe me I am not that good of a writer nor story teller..huhu I'll try my best to keep u guys entertained. Hehe. So I'll be sharing about my passion in cooking, sewing and sports, travels and maybe a few cheesy post about me. Hehehe..😜

I think that should be enough for my first ever post. So I'm signing off now. I hope you guys will be looking forward for the next one. Thank you for reading this entry :) 

~Husna S

1 comment:

  1. Cant wait for your post on cooking, sweing, sports and travels... Please be quick? :-)
